We’re just beginners here at MorePhotos, but we thought it was past time for us to start taking photography more seriously.  Not only will it give us more insight into our client base (you!), but we also happen to be surrounded by so much natural beauty that it would be a shame not to capture and share it.

Please join us!  Wherever you are in the country or the world, go out on Friday morning from this week forward, capture some images and post them to our Facebook Wall.  Once we get some momentum going we’ll get some fan voting/interaction and perhaps add some prizes to the mix -for now it’s for fun and sharing.  Oh, and if you don’t mind, those of you who are actually good at photography please give us some tips & critiques!

Share this with those you know and get outside on Friday morning!  Here’s looking forward to some fun while we usher in Spring 2011…