When searching for an online proofing company for your photography business, the quality of images you post online is very important.  Your images should be watermarked and right click disabled.  Is that enough?  MorePhotos says no.

Where do most photos end up now days?  facebook.  What is facebook’s resolution right now? About 720px × 478px, which looks like this:

720x478 from facebook

600x400 from Website

Between FireShot, Awesome Screenshot, and the dozens of other  screen grab software, the images posted can be saved.  You can forgo the chance at any sale by not posting photos online, but the better option is to utilize a company, like MorePhotos.com, that resizes your images to a max of 600×600 pixels, under facebook quality, giving your clients even more incentive to make the purchase.

Bottom line: Big, beautiful, crisp images look good, too good for a computer screen on your client’s monitor.  If they complain about quality, schedule a time for them to come in to look at the full quality images in your studio (or living room, or at their house on your computer, etc.)  You’ll sell more that way anyway.