It’s a mindset change more than anything else.  The idea of posting images online and letting them sell themselves is gone.  This is especially true when it comes to high end portraiture, including seniors and families.

Here’s a HUGE secret.  It deals with the human psyche and sales (yes, you are a salesperson)

One of the MAIN reason we purchase photos to to show them off to our friends and family.  Seems obvious enough, so how should this factor into your sales technique?  This means three things to us.

1. DON’T send proofs home with your clients, they will show their friends and the number one reason to purchase from you is gone, poof.

2. DO sell your images in person, under your control, with specials and bonuses, and deals for them when they purchase at the consultation.  Blow them away with some music, their favorite drink, their images filling up the wall with a nice projector/TV.

3. Only post images online that were purchased, but be sure to post them.  This is huge, if they want to show off their images, they are going to have to purchase that image from you, no way around it.

Now go make some serious sales!