Track your Stolen Mac with Advanced Theft Tracking Software

Trace your Stolen Mac

Image courtesy of Idea go

O.K., so where I live, in rural Northern Michigan – there just flat out isn’t much crime.  We likely take for granted the fact that we can leave our cars unlocked with the keys in them while we run into the convenience store to grab a snack.  Sometimes I’ve even got a Nikon D90 sitting on the front seat of my Pick-up.  Maybe that’s too telling ;)

At MorePhotos, we know photographers have super expensive equipment.  We’re not just talking about cameras either.  We’ve been dealing with many clients lately who have switched from PCs to Macs or MacBooks for one reason or another.   So many in fact, that we’ve invested in a Mac and an Ipad for the office to do testing and see how our websites and e-commerce shopping carts respond to them to better align with our client’s needs.

These are pricy little machines!  Not every town or city is like Northern Michigan, and it’s good to protect your investment.  A new software called Hidden provides a way to track your Mac in the unfortunate event that it is ever stolen.  For as little as $15 per year, you can track your Mac when it’s stolen and actually get images of the thief who nabbed it!  Screenshots, iSight photos, and the coordinates of the location are all recorded, and you can activate the tracking from any computer with an internet connection from your online account.  The previously dormant app goes live as soon as you click “Stolen”, and there’s no way for the thief to uninstall the app without your administrator password.    Pretty nifty huh?  We thought so.

Thanks for reading!

Drew Warner | MorePhotos SEO & Marketing

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