We’ve been talking a lot about online marketing and search engine op-ti-mi-something-or-other lately.  I’m kind of the online marketing guy around here, and we’re offering SEO services to our clients so that all makes sense.  The thing to remember is that the online portion of your business is very important, but getting out in person is actually much more important.  Yes, I know, I’m always preaching about selling online, proper website set-up and page content, about blogging, social media and spreading your brand online, BUT we all know that nothing goes further in business than a hearty handshake and a genuine smile.

Don’t get me wrong, you have to balance the equation.  If you meet a great prospect and they go to look you up and find an unimpressive website, or much worse, can’t find you at all – that is bad.  But if you’ve got the online portion mostly handled, get your butt out into YOUR community and network.  How?  Where?  When?

How?  Clean yourself up, have the business cards ready and get your confidence up by looking at some of your best images or reading testimonials from some of your most appreciative clients.

Where?  Go to local chamber events, sports outings, high school events and city or township planning meetings that are open to the public.  Just from that list you could generate Headshots, Grand Opening Parties, School Events, Sports Photo Opportunities and other Corporate opportunities like product or commercial photography gigs.

When?  Whenever you can.  Get dialed in with some email newsletters that keep you posted on community happenings in your city.  Make a commitment to go to 2 per week and see what happens after a solid month.  Don’t want to be a wall-fly?  Grab a friend in another industry and go together – feed off of each others’ connections.

Be your own motivation!

Drew Warner | MorePhotos SEO Specialist