When it comes to SEO keywords or phrases for photographers, don’t just use every SEO phrase you can think of. This will result in a bunch of mediocrity when what you need is a dash of domination.

We advise our photographers to make a list of 3-5 search terms where they want their site to show up in the first page. You can do a little research to see how many people are fighting to appear under the same terms by doing the search yourself or calling us up if you are a MorePhotos client. This is important because you don’t want to go for “Dallas Photography” if you don’t have a large budget and lots of time. (Edgy senior portraits in (Dallas suburb)) will get you much further.

When you do a blog post or write the “About Us” page on your site or add new images, or make any changes at all, insert your phrases where you can. Just remember that readability to the end user is always first priority.

Outdoors Child Portraits

Outdoor Child Portraits Traverse City

While it might be tempting to tag this photo with “Ella by the woodpile”, “Outdoor Child Portraits Traverse City” will get you much further because that is what someone might enter into Google or Yahoo or Bing.

Bringing your site to page 1 for 3 SEO Keywords or phrases is WAY more effective than bringing your site to page 6 for 100 different keywords or phrases for your photography site. Write them down and focus in like your aperture is at 1.2. You will do really well with the chosen phrases.