As photographers, we have a tendency to keep up a shield around unedited photos. And while a poor quality image will do no good for your brand, we must weigh out perfection with the old proverbĀ  “He who hesitates is lost.”

Image posted quickly

Case in point:

I attended a wedding 9 days ago that hired one of the top rated photographers in the world as well as a photo booth with props. The photo booth posted the images to Facebook by the next morning. A frenzy of tagging and sharing instantly exploded. Countless people have their profile pictures set to photos taken by the booth (that conveniently has their logo on the bottom) and the photo booth company is in my news feed every time I open Facebook.

Photos posted from world renowned photographer? Zero. I have full faith that his images will end up in albums and on walls and will blow people away, but as far as marketing goes, I know who everyone is talking about right now.

Speed has value, so does perfection. Choose your process accordingly.